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Homework Repsonses

Plagiarism 9/1/15

Plagiarism in my mind is defined when someone deliberately copies the ideas of others and markets them as their own. I have been told it is something that should not ever be done and there are severe consequences should someone ever plagiarize the works of others. My teachers have threatened if someone were to ever plagiarize they could get kicked out of school or even charged. When I took classes during the summer here at FSU, my professor told me of a political scientist who did this extensive research and had all this data he collected over the years, but come to find out it was all made up and his credentials were taken away. When I’m writing essays or research papers or completing any sort of work, I just make sure to always check my work with sources such as or if I am using the thoughts of others, I always make sure to cite my sources. I don’t really have any worries about the topic at this moment because I am aware of the different sources I can utilize to make sure that doesn’t become a problem for me.


After reading how Florida defines plagiarism, I don’t have any new concerns about the topic. It just helped me become more informed to better avoid plagiarism. It helped me understand that some forms are not so obvious and what to look for. I am aware of MLA formatting, but I actually rarely used it in school, so I’ll definitely need to get use to setting it up when writing my papers.

Artist's Statements 9/13/15

Other forms of an artist statement you could use is film to express your thoughts or create a behind the scenes booklet of you working on a piece and giving insight. A song would be appropriate when there is more of a theatrical element involved because then a song would just reflect the intentions of the artist even better in my opinion. I’m not sure I can think of any statement that wouldn’t work because statements are very subjective and how the artist chooses to express them is their choice with a reasoning behind it.


2. There are definitely other audience members who would be interested in reading the statement that are not his teacher or classmates. People interested in all the different subject areas, art, psychology, and philosophy will probably be likely to read a statement like this. Kipp is attempting to represent all three and some will probably be curious as to how he integrated different subject areas into one concept.


5. If Kipp included visuals, it would’ve created more depth and insight for the reader. Sometimes it can be hard to visualize words and including images will just help those words come to life. Kipp could incorporate visuals where he refers to his piece. This would allow the reader to know exactly what he’s talking about and could create a deeper understanding.


7. I think Kipp was inspired by the notion that practing gratitude can make us happier. This served as his inspiration of why he decided to create his collage. It’s made apparent, at least to me, because this is the first thing he includes in his artist statement. However, I think Kipp could’ve included more of a personal statement, so the reader could relate to him as a person and could then relate to the art more, too.


8. Kipp uses language to establish his credibility by quoting research. This way, it shows he’s not just making this up, but that there is research out there to back his views up. By including this, the reader takes his inspirations for his piece more seriously and can view his art in a serious manner since he established credibility in the very beginning by quoting research and continues to do so through out his statement.


9. I think Kipp’s statement would have been even more effective had he divided it into sections. It would’ve been more organized, at least visually, and readers could follow along better. It’s easy to get lost into what the artist is saying, so dividing it into sections could help not only with the readers understanding, but the artist’s train of thought not to get lost into his own thought either. Different sections could include: research, purpose and audience, the elements of the collage, and works cited.


10. The different purposes of the research is to establish Kipp’s credibility for his art piece and to also serve as the inspiration. It’s the finding that practicing gratitude can make us happier that inspires Kipp to create his art piece in the first place.


Live Tweeting: Trevor Noah 9/29/15

  • There are definitely constraints and advantages to using comedy as a genre, especially when attempting to address real world issues. Comedy is generally light hearted and fun and it makes people laugh. While this a great thing, it can hinder the point the comedian is trying to establish as many people are too busy laughing about the joke said instead of the actual point. It's not taken as seriously since the tone is silly and light hearted vs serious. I feel like the jokes can distract from the meat of the content instead of supporting it sometimes. However, this can all be advantages too. By introducing a fun and lighthearted tone, people are more graviated towards the content since it's not all serious. Comedians can then establish their own views of issues as well as use it as an opportunity to open the public's eyes to problems they might not have been exposed to otherwise.Trevor Noah's style of comedy is definitely out there. His jokes can walk that fine line of what's considered funny vs insulting. He pushes the envelope with his content, but he pulls it off with ease in my opinion since he's so natural and relaxed.  


  • An issue Trevor Noah brought up was the priorites of many American's and how they are so out of wack. We care more about "keeping up with the Kardashians" than about our foreign relations with other countries or the troops who are out fighting for us. I've always kind of had that feeling, but when he brought that up, it definitely reawakened my prior thoughts. Another issue he brought up and it is one I can relate to very well is about the Asian race. He mentioned it is considered "racist" that when he calls the person a bad driver who is Asian. I think it's very ignorant for people to believe that- race is so irrelvant in that siutation. They're a bad driver who HAPPEN to be Asian. The last relevant issue Trevor Noah brought up was how the American langauage is so ridiclulus in how it pronounces words- "her" for hair. No wonder why it's so hard for others to learn our language. 

    • ​Research Question: how are the perceptions of Asians by American society negatively affecting the Asian culture?

Documentaries 10/6/15

  • The documentary that I chose to use as a source for my paper is one I've seen awhile ago and was part of the reason I chose the topic I did. It's called "China's Lost Girls" and is hosted by Lisa Ling. It was made in 2005, so around 10 years ago by National Geographic. It's a documentary that combines the history of China's infamous one child policy as well as the following of American couples traveling abroad to adopt the children living in orphanages. It tells emotional stories of real people experiencing hardships going through the long adoption process as well as the indescribable joy of seeing their daughters for the very first time. It was a well received documentary as it shed light on the process of adoption and how it's becoming more normal in today's society with an average of 7.7/10 stars on IMDB. This documentary will provide a useful source in aiding me to have a productive conservation concerning my topic. Lisa Ling not only interviews the couples adopting the children, but the children too. This gives two different perspectives for me to include, so there is a mixture of insight- what it's like to be an American entering a foreign country and adopting a child that is not of your own race and how the Asian society perceives the couples as well as what their Asian daughters think about being adopted by people who do not look like them and what others have to say when they see them with their non-Asian parents.   


  • BONUS POINT: As a researcher targeting a very specific audience, I am aware I have to present facts to establish credibility. This is why I chose "China's Lost Girls" as a documentary source since it was created by a reputable company, National Geographic. This helps establish credibility alone since I am using a reliable source. My research topic is very specific and targeting a specific audience, so I know that the main people who will gravitate to reading my research paper is the people who have gone through this experience themselves. I want to make sure I present something that is accurate and something they can relate to, but at the same time present new details my audience might not have considered before reading my paper. I think my subject is still relevant in society and controversial. According to the article, "Recent controversy regarding re-enactments, use of archival footage and political truths in a string of high-profile, award-winning documentary films has put the genre on the hot seat with audiences and critics." (Kasson) My documentary includes all three of those aspects, so it is important to uphold a standard of making sure the information presented in the documentary and the information I present from it is not skewed or exaggerated, but provides an emotional insight of a topic that is close to my heart.  

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